Parents know very well that school is a place where their children are taught to get knowledge. In fact, families prepare their children for school and school brings them up for life, teach them a variety of positive human habits. If we combine all these habits under a common name, we can call it “Ethical and Aesthetic Behavior Norms”. First of all, let’s take a look at the notion of “ethics”, or rather, the concept of “ethics” that forms the basis of it. “Morality” is the name given to behavior that is born of differences between good (or true) and bad (or wrong) and affects our desires, thoughts, and actions. The first point to immediately notice here is the definition of “good”, “bad”, “right” and “wrong”. Who are these definitions defined by? Who determines these criteria? Nobody knows it yet. Because they are extremely relative. It is at the disposal of those societies that human society accepts as what is right and what is wrong. In any society, any habit is very well accepted, and in another society it can be considered insulting and, at best, disrespectful. What is good in this situation? What is bad? What’s right? What’s wrong? There is no way to know them as scientific and impartial. At this point, another concept begins: Ethics. This is another name of moral philosophy, and it is basically a philosophy that aims to determine what is good, what is bad, what is right, what is wrong, what is morally wrong, what is just and what is unjust. Naturally, our homeland is not left behind in the world to study this field. In a country rich in history, rich in diversity of religions, races, nations, national minorities such as Azerbaijan which comprises a variety of customs and traditions, it is difficult to set specific criteria for ethical conduct. For example, when we look at the notion of “respect”, religion from the religious point of view has influenced the tradition of respecting elderly people, respecting women from the western world. Since our people have Turkic roots, Turkish habits and traditions are a complex way to comply with the rules of Islam since they are Muslim, as well as various Soviet traditions as they have been part of the Soviet Empire for 71 years and lately the western traditions for our country’s integration into Europe. This is primarily embarrassing to empower the students with ethical norms. As we know, the traditions of religion and Turkicism in Soviet schools were not emphasized at all, and were not widely used in schools. At that time, the moral education of the pupils was monotonous. But now we can’t just educate teens and youths of the independent state with those ideas. Because we have doors open to the world now. Conscious of all these reasons, it is not the only point of view in terms of introducing ethical norms to students in our Training Center. Here, the best examples of cultures of different societies are instilled in students. Our students are grown as a regional youth and are not only useful to the region, but also as an Azerbaijani youth who can benefit not only society but the whole world. Along with the board and teachers of the complex, the International Relations and Social Programs team is working on this issue. Our goal is to encourage students to have a modern generation, tolerance, peoples’ and intercultural relationships, to be world-wide and cultural, but also to the young generation of their ancestors and their roots. Important events in our complex can be seen as an example of this. So, no historical date is left out of focus. As a result, students grow up as brave, courageous, and proud youngsters as heroes, as their ancestors. Along with the arrangements organized in the complex, frequent excursions and camps make it possible for the public to embody and strengthen the ethical norms. And here is another concept – the concept of “aesthetics”. Aesthetics means science about senses. Previously, Literature subject was sufficient for the formation of aesthetic taste in secondary schools. Literature has always been an important subject to introducing the skills such as teaching, speaking, writing beautifully. In our complex, it is not forgotten that it is a learning place that teaches the secrets of the school’s beauty. Aesthetic upbringing is a factor that inspires creativity, aesthetic pleasure is moral beauty, aesthetic education and struggle with ill-breeding. In order to instill all these positive factors in our complex, along with traditional teaching disciplines, various associations, clubs and projects operate. Each of them was created and operated on the initiative of the students along with the staff of the Complex. One of the associations – the “Sensitive Youth” association is based on the analysis of positive and negative emotions that are the basis of ethical-aesthetic behavior norms. The association is designed for the whole group by holding a weekly lesson for 7th and 8th grade students. The mission is to train socially active and responsive individuals. The activities of the association have a positive impact on the personal development of the pupils and the emotional intelligence. It creates a basis for discovering their inner worlds. In addition, the most important is that the pupils are properly educated as individuals. Selected topics are purely positive and negative human emotions. The main concern of the association is that negative emotions are a poison in human blood, and the students must keep in their mind that all of the unethical and unhealthy behaviors are caused by negative emotions. Aesthetic education does not occur immediately, with a sense of command. The fine result can only be achieved by the jeweler’s embellishment of the ornament, the composer’s musical composition, or the carpet weaver’s gentle, steadfast, and careful attention when weaving a carpet. That is why the association continues with just one lesson per week for a group. Having lessons more than that will reduce its impact to the contrary. And at this point one can’t forget a very important question: First of all, it is necessary to gain the student’s love and to be an example. At this point, you will not have to talk too much. Learners always choose their beloved adult samples and often repeat their behavior.