The library system has been established here since the beginning of the Bilasuvar High School Complex. The library of the complex consists of one employee. The role and appearance of the library in the education of students are very important. The activities of the library have been adapted to the existing education system. The library has all the facilities for the use of these students and teachers. The library is divided into four sections and serves readers and users. Reader service, reading room, book fund, ample space for discussion and events. The library has 8 reading tables, 32 chairs and a large round table and 38 comfortable chairs. There are 28 new and modern bookshelves used to place books in the library. Since the complex library is suitable for events, discussions, training and sessions, there are 40 seats to be fully used during the event. The library also has a projector and a panel. Students and teachers benefit from them.

Students in the complex use the reading room during class preparation and homework. The library regularly organizes activities, debates and regularly conducts “110 books”. The library stock is quite wide. The library contains textbooks, handbooks, fiction and scientific literature. Currently, the Complex Library has 10325 textbooks and handbooks, 5218 scientific and publisher literature and journals. There are also English and Russian books in the library. In addition to students, the teachers and staff of the complex use the library in their free time. Students are encouraged to use fiction books to improve their language skills and develop their perspectives, and the books are given a home for reading. Every student, teacher and staff who use the library will have their books. The literature used in the library is recorded. Since its establishment, Bilasuvar Training Center has provided 523 daily and comprehensive services to its readers. As long as high school students are students, it is encouraging that many fiction books read selective literature to help them become more cautious and versatile than world literature.