Teaching in the field of advanced training is based on the need to prepare healthy patriotic youth for our Armed Forces, which is the main guarantor of the protection of the Azerbaijani people and statehood, as well as its territorial integrity.

Early education provides ample opportunity to develop these qualities.
The formation of a number of social and intellectual qualities that ensure a smooth transition to military service and the successful performance of combat missions during the war is, above all, a high-quality solution, determination for victory.
In the appearance of these qualities, the pre-army preparatory course plays an important role.
The subject of the appeal for training is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decrees of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Education and the Law on Military Service. It is also being implemented in stages.
The subject is taught in military classrooms equipped with visual teaching and technical facilities. The purpose of the preparatory course is to familiarize adolescents with the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the laws and regulations on military service, provide them with basic knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of shooting, civil defense and medical training.